Bike Tahoe Business Portal

Stand Out and Engage Your Customer

Welcome! We are glad you are here. The Bike Tahoe program has been specifically built with your business growth as a key objective. Aided by grants received from the Nevada Commission on Tourism, El Dorado County Cultural and Community Development Program and the City of South Lake Tahoe, we have been able to develop this unique tourism platform and make it available to you.

We believe Bike Tahoe’s unmatched content of 5 iconic regions, 65+ bike ride descriptions, Google Maps, Geo location capability (GPS), helpful tips and social media channels will authentically connect you with customers in meaningful ways. This “real” content can help differentiate your business by piercing through the competitive clutter with a fresh voice – a voice grounded in authenticity and the momentum for a more connected and sustainable future for your business and our communities.

How to Stand Out and Engage Your Customer

Utilize Bike Tahoe’s Tool Kits

The Bike Tahoe Tool Kits contains tools that can help differentiate your brand/business from the competition and engage your customers in very authentic ways. It provides “real” tools and conversations that active people, your customers, what to use, know about and purchase.

1. The Starter’s Kit

The Starter’s Kit provides you with effective tools to connect with and engage your customers in ways that provide them with meaningful values – at no cost to you.

Bike Tahoe Connection
Let your customers know that you are “stepping out of the box” and offering them new valued services with your with Bike Tahoe connection. Place the Bike Tahoe logo and its URL link on your web site and the Bike Tahoe sticker on a highly visible location at your place of business. This will send a strong message to your loyal customers and capture the attention of new customers by demonstrating your commitment and affiliation with the region’s most comprehensive bicycle guide.

Be Active on Facebook
Use Bike Tahoe’s Facebook and Instagram pages to post your bike related stories, photos and videos, and encourage your friends and customers to do the same. You will stand out and bring attention to your business.

Tell Your Story
Send us information about your upcoming events and special active-life offers and programs, and they will be considered for publishing on Bike Tahoe News. Send your stories and photos to

Lets Cross-Promote
We love to connect with active adults and people interested in bicycling. We encourage you to propose an event, contest or special offer, and we will review your program and consider how we can collaborate to produce a win — for you, Bike Tahoe and your customers. Submit your proposals to Ty Polastri at

Know Your Customer
At the end of the year, Bike Tahoe will prepare an annual marketing brief from data we have gathered from our surveys. This information may be useful in your business and planning for the future. To receive the annual marketing brief, send your request to Ty Polastri at

2. Upgrade to the Pro Tool Kit

After you have used the tools in the Starter Kit, you may be ready to move into a higher level of performance and results. The Pro Tool Kit gives you the tools to be more strategically competitive in the marketplace. You can confidently take charge by claiming a branding position on a specific Ride Page near your business and receive business category exclusivity (for example, only one lodging property per ride page). You can also become a Preferred Bike Tahoe Vendor. The following Pro Tools have very reasonable fees associated with their added value and usefulness.

Ride Page Branding with Display Advertising
Place your brand/business on a dedicated bike ride page that is located near your business and receive category exclusivity.
To become a ride page advertiser sign up here.

Preferred Vendor Directory – The Bike Tahoe Concierge
The Preferred Vendor program is Bike Tahoe’s Concierge for our visitors wanting the local vibe for goods and services. It is a directory of businesses segmented by category with contact information and web link. To participate in the Preferred Vendor Directory sign up here.

High Performance Results
Bike Tahoe will assemble a comprehensive marketing report summarizing the year end results that are taken from consumers’ marketing surveys, analytic tools from Google and Facebook, and other available sources. This data will be reviewed, evaluated and commented on regarding visitor trends, behaviors, and patterns. Businesses interested in the High Performance Results Report can contact for details.

Bike Tahoe revenues, along with grants, help provide the resources vital for keeping the platform functioning optimally while also helping support the marketing, promotion and advertising efforts. These efforts reach and engage bicyclists (regionally, nationally and internationally) with fresh and relevant information so they will come to know and choose Tahoe as their bicycle destination. Twenty percent (20%) of these revenues are dedicated to the Bike Fund, a mini-grant program available for nonprofit organizations who are helping build and maintain a more bicycle-friendly community in the Tahoe region.

Bike Fund Donations are 100% dedicated to the Bike Fund.