Bike Page Display Advertising
Services & Fees
Online display advertising is available on a “first come basis” and dependent upon space availability. Your ad is placed on the right sidebar of the page and is clickable to your web site for one calendar year. View Ride Page Display Ad Example. You will receive statistics on page views and ad click thrus to your website. Bike Tahoe reserves the right to approve or disapprove ads that in its sole opinion are not appropriate for Bike Tahoe.
Select a region(s) and indicate your top three Ride page choices. You may advertise on as many pages as you like as long as there is available space. Every attempt will be made to give your placement the preferred priority. There is a limit to the number of ads that will appear on a ride page to heighten attention to your ad.
Ad size: 300 x 250 pixels
Acceptable file format/size: jpg / 100kb or less
2016 Fees: (Order now and received the remaining 2015 months at no charge.)
- $100 per page / per year
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