

Like any sport, bicycling involves risk of injury and damage. By choosing to ride a bicycle, you assume the full responsibility for that risk, so you need to know, and practice, the rules of safe and responsible riding and of proper use and maintenance of your bicycle.

Because it is impossible to anticipate every situation and condition which can occur while riding, this Guide makes no representation about the safe use of bicycle facilities under all conditions. There are risks associated with the use of any bicycle which cannot be predicted or avoided, and which are the sole responsibility of the rider.


Trail and road conditions are constantly changing in the High Sierras and this Guide cannot possibly accurately represent the conditions or safety of the bikeways at any given time – on and off road. Tahoe winters can severely impact the environment – you may encounter fallen trees, washed out trails, missing signs, snow pack, pot holes and mechanical equipment on the trails and roads throughout the riding season.

Bike Tahoe and its partners, sponsors or advertisers will in no way be responsible for personal injury or damage to personal property arising in conjunction with using this Guide. Good judgment and proper preparation are essential to any outing. Before heading out onto a bikeway, it is recommended that you check with other sources of information such as local bike shops, and land managers for the latest trail conditions.

Approximate Position

The GPS positioning of Latitude and Longitude appearing on this guide are approximate positions due to the variability of GPS devices.