Bike Love Official Events

Bike Love Official Events are a special breed of events. They attract locals and visitors alike in the celebration of what is uniquely Tahoe – an active lifestyle with the appreciation of community and the beauty of our surroundings. For many, the distance from home or lodging, make it easy to travel by bicycle – our preferred mode of transportation. At nearly all events, bike racks, and in some cases bike valet parking, are available to encourage you to ride your bike in lieu of the driving a vehicle with the stresses of little or no available parking.

At an event, you will immediately experience a celebratory feeling of excitement and connection with other people regardless of age, gender, income, ethnicity or geography.

People will be expressing themselves through song, dance or athletic endeavors like riding a bike, running in an event or paddling on the water for some examples. While celebrating and experiencing the event, attendees will also be capturing their moments with photos, streaming videos, and sharing them with friends and the world on their favorite social media platforms.

These events offer a special time-out from worry, stress, and current political uncertainties. They may also provide the fertile ground to expand our perspective and use the combined social capital present to promote positive change socially, environmentally and economically for the area and the world – “think globally, active locally”.

By attending one or all of the listed events, you can be assured of feeling of love with others and a deep appreciation of place as we are Sharing the Adventure with Tahoe Bike Love.

Tahoe Bike Challenge: June 1 – June 14, 2019 View Details Here

Rock Tahoe: June 15, 2019 View Details Here

Tour of Carson City: May 5, 2019 View Details Here

Live at Lakeview Commons: Thursdays June – September 2019 View Details Here

Tahoe Mountain Bike Festival: June 22 – 23 2019 View Details Here

Lake Tahoe Mountain Bike Race: June 22, 2019 View Details Here

Alta Alpina Challenge: June 24, 2019 View Details Here

Bike Love Thursday Night Group Rides: July – September 2019 View Details Here

Tour de Tahoe: September 8, 2019 View Details Here